Thursday, October 2, 2008

Why Did Jesus Cross the River?

Yesterday, Sebastian was reading me his New Testament that Aunt Donita gave him, and he said he would tell me a story. He told me about how Jesus and Mary Poppins were walking and saw a boat, and then he said "Why you tink Jesus crossed the river?" Evi said " To get to the other side?" I guess she thought it was a joke, and Sebastian said " It's cause he wanted to go home."
Pretty deep. Jesus crossed the river to go home. We are encouraging our kids to pray. It doesn't have to be at meal time or bed time, but whenever you need to talk to Him. The other night after we kissed our kids and put them in bed, Juan went in to ask if Sebastian had talked to Jesus, and Sebastian said yes, Juan asked what he talked to Jesus about, and Sebastian said " I not gonna tell you". I love that I have no clue as to what was talked about, and that my kids talk to Jesus!


liesel said...

Oh my goodness. He is so funny!

Unknown said...

Oma says I love it! Besides its none of your business what he talks to Jesus about! Ha! This week I taught Jason's girls the bedtime song I learned at my grandma's knee; Jesus, Tender Shepherd hear me. bless this little lamb tonight.... Do you remember it?