Thursday, May 29, 2008

Extreme Makeover

For those who saw Chairssa's blog about Elle whose doll was shattered and then fixed, you saw the sweet little girl to whom the doll belonged to. I told her I would try to "fix her" and take her down to Mexico next time we go. I got on ebay, and then on craigslist. There was a lady selling her collection of dolls (all 22 of them) and I asked if she would be willing to part with just one, and told her the story of Elle. I dropped the word "missionary parents" and " my brother with 4 kids", and " bless her heart", and before I knew it the lady was inviting me over to pick out a doll for Elle. I meant every word I said, and asked how much she would like for the doll, and she said, " Well, if they are missionaries, they are doing good, I won't charge you". I didn't want to correct her exactly, so I just thanked her and went on my way. So.. here is the new Elizabeth. Hope you like her Elle, I love you!

Someone Stole My Camera

I went to download all my photos and noticed 12 pictures that I didn't take, here are only a few. The only one I took was the one of Sebastian who was trying on my dad's shirt that was hanging on the door knob.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

The support group that I am a part of (M.E.N.D.), for moms that have lost a child, met on Saturday for an interview with News on 6. They had us talk about what we will do to remember our loss on this Memorial weekend. I have had a couple days to think on it, and especially yesterday when we went to visit the grave of my Grandpa, and my cousin who passed away after only 9 days, and I thought of my nephew, and of my own son. I feel that I don't need one day out of the year to remember, I remember every day. It is hard. I think of my Grandmother, who at 93 feels she doesn't have much time here, would love to be close to family members, yet people think she is loosing her mind and can't voice her desires. So she continues to live alone, day after day, hoping someone will come to see her, and hoping when it is her time to meet the Lord, she won't be alone. I hope if I make it to her ripe age, my children will listen, and not think for me. Anyway, I had time this weekend to think of my loved ones who have made it to heaven before me, and those who are close to meeting Him. I am grateful, I am blessed.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Nine Happy Years

Thanks to my friend Nancy, we were able to enjoy a night out for our anniversary. We had dinner at Outback, then got a night at the Renaissance Hotel. We had fun! Thanks Nancy, you are a blessing!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Breakfast Dinner

Tonight I made blueberry pancakes and bacon for dinner. My family thought that was so weird. I was trying to explain to my kids that we should be grateful for our meal, and that possibly in China little kids ate pancakes for dinner all the time. Juan said " Of course they eat pancakes for dinner, when it's dinner here, it's breakfast there". So, I don't think that I'll be making pancakes for dinner anytime soon, but it was fun to change things up a bit.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Love My Family

If you don't know it..I love my family. I am blessed. Last night we went to celebrate my Grandma's 93rd birthday. She sure is fun. We got to see Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Cousins once removed, and had a blast. The kids played, and the adults had time to catch up on old news. Evi's last day of school was yesterday, so the Summer has started, and already today I've heard, " I'm bored".

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Family in Town

I know some people don't like it, but I love when family come into town, because you feel like you have to do something. " What do you want to do?, I don't know, what do you want to do?"
So this weekend we went on a girl night out, went to the park for a picnic, a bike ride and to feed some aggressive swans, and jumped on the trampoline with the sprinkler on. Who needs Big Splash anyway?

We went to Memories of Japan for a girls night, and had sushi. I love that they have kids chopsticks so they can get the full experience. We love sushi!

Can you guess what Sebastian is doing? He went outside to wait for Oma. After all she said " I'll be right back", so he went out to wait, and I guess he didn't want to miss her in case she came while he was in the bathroom, so he decided to go on the mailbox.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Pretty Eyes

I came across this picture from a while back, when Sebastian got into my mascara. I was trying to let him know I disapproved of him playing in my makeup, but couldn't resist the photo op. I might save this in the file of " Pictures to blackmail Sebastian with".

Movie Night

The kids are watching Mary Poppins and eating popcorn. Today Evi had a swim party as a reward for the kids who got 70% or higher in reading. It's sad to me that only 4 from her class got to go, but I am happy that she got to be a part of that.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Surprise Visit

I am so excited that my mom and dad are coming into town. They will be surprising the kids, and they are in for a surprise. My dad shaved his beard after I don't know how many years. Here is a picture of Sebastian with his most favorite person, Oma.

Monday, May 12, 2008


This is Moses with Lisa who is one of those people that it's hard to believe that she would go for getting a dog, but who could say no to this little guy. He has a plethora of kids to take him potty and bathe him. He will be a good addition to their family. Thanks Rovenstines for welcoming us and taking care of us the 24 hours we were with you!

Thanks for the adjustments Lisa!! That was part of the deal.. we help them move and we get free adjustments.

Happy Mothers Day

To all my mommy friends, I hope you had a great day. Keep in mind that Mothers Day isn't about getting presents, it's about loving on the little ones that made you mommies. And to those who don't have your little ones to love on, you are no less a mom, and know that one day you will love on those little ones who are being loved on by the Greatest Love of all.
My sister-in-love (or in-law, depending on how you feel about your relatives), put on a beautiful breakfast with the best muffins, and fresh fruit and bacon. Mmmm.

Heavy Load

This is what our trailer looked like after the guys were finishing up loading. I guess it was worth it going to Ohio.

Sleepy Boy

My boy didn't get enough of the car. He wrapped up in a blanket and fell asleep on the bench we took out of the car.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Juan!

Today my hubby is 32! I made him a cake to take to work. I made it a month after we started dating, and it's kind of a tradition. I just want to say that I am very blessed to have Juan as a husband. If I had to do it all over, I would in a heartbeat ( I might pick a different dress though). Anyway, to the greatest guy I know.. Happy Birthday! We will be leaving for Ohio tonight, anyone want a loving pug to hang out with for the weekend?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Cowgirl and Mr. Incredible

Today was western theme dress up day. So, Evi put on her boots and her scorpion belt, her jeans and cowgirl hat that her Mama Tere bought for her and went to school, feeling very western. This morning I dressed Sebastian in his clothes, but as soon as we got back home from delivering a birthday prize to my great friend Yvonne, he went straight to his room, and re-dresses himself. Later during the day he asked if we could ride bikes. The last thing I wanted to do was walk around the block since I have blisters on both feet, but I figured, how much longer is my boy going to want to ride bikes with his mom. So, I did what any mom would do, and walked painfully around the block, while my 3 year old rode his tricycle.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Joys of Oklahoma

We got to hide in Sebastian's closet that is like 2 by 7. Tornado warning sirens were going off, and according to Juan that is the best place to be. Luckily it veered off right before it got to us, but here are the kids hiding from the "tomato" as Sebastian called it.

My Boys

I LOVE this picture of Juan and Sebastian. Juan is good about teaching and spending time with the kids. I sure do love those boys!

Piggy Backing & Dress Up

Okay, we don't technically have internet, so we are piggy backing off of someone. So it's hard to upload pictures to the blog when it takes forever. So, for now, no pictures but I can tell you what we did this weekend.
Juan mowed, and mowed some more. Then on Saturday we decided to go to Stillwater to see my cousin Caleb graduate. It's weird that I remember him playing soccer as a little boy( we are like 8 years apart, I'm older). So that was fun, and Sunday we stayed home. My brother Jason said the Amish folk go to church every other week. One week church, the next a day of rest. I figured I hadn't had a day of rest in a while. It was kinda nice.
This week is teacher appreciation week. They sent a note home saying to have the kids dress as:
Monday- Cartoon character
Tuesday-Mystery Person
Friday- Super-hero

I think whoever made that decision was dumb. No offense, but where am I suppose to get stuff to dress my kid up like a mystery person? I don't own a costume store. I bet Nanny ( my grandma who is almost 93) would have some great ideas.Oh, well. I hope she isn't bitter that she is the only one dressed like herself. Friday we'll have internet, but we are going to Ohio to help my brother Jason and Lisa with their move to Mexico.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Girly girl wants a pet snake

After having Evi wash off the mud pies, she had gone back outside. She comes in and says " Mom, guess what I have in my hands?"
" I have NO idea Evi". She says," OK... I'll give you some options..1) three worms, 2) three snakes or 3) three baby birds.
"Uhh, three worms?" And then she pulls out from behind her back, three gardener snakes. I don't think I have moved that fast since... I ate some bad sushi. Well, at least she isn't a sissy.

I have assisted 62 births. One of my clients gave me a certificate to a spa and I went today and got me a pedicure. I would NEVER spend $50 on getting my toes painted, but being that I had no choice (haha) I went and cashed in my gift card. So do my feet look like $50 bucks?

Mug shots, Pedicures and Garden Snakes

The kids said they wanted to jump on the trampoline, with the sprinkler. They didn't say however that they would make mud pies and throw them at each other. They couldn't fathom why, if I was so upset, take a picture of them. Evi had a guilty look on her face, I think it was her idea.

Am I a Horrible Mommy?

So I gave away the guinea pig. I am wondering if my son will say at 18, " The reason I lit the cat's tail on fire is because you gave away my guinea pig when I was three!!" I am feeling guilty like I should go get him a goldfish or something. What do I tell the kid..

A) he died
B) he ran away, with his entire cage
C) or the truth, donated him to the school (not the science lab)

I could always remind him that we still have a loving dog, who loves to snuggle.