Friday, August 29, 2008

Our News

Some have you know that we would like our family to grow. We have decided to start the process for foster care. Little did I know an opportunity would arise sooner that expected for us to foster. So here she is....

Meet Ruby. She is a 2 month old pug. She will be in our home until November or December. A close friend in Mexico asked me if I could find her a sweet little girl, and we have. I hope I can give her up when the time comes.

Moving in the kitchen

Here's us moving in my sister's new kitchen. It was fun having 5 kids running all around ( except Ava, who was sitting nice and quietly). Liesel and Evi fed the birds Pop Tarts while Sebastian and Hope played King and Queen.

Why quiet is bad

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Dinner Conversation

Tonight as we were eating dinner, Sebastian had an idea. He said that whoever finished their dinner first got to sleep in mom and dad's bed. Once he realized he was the last to finished he said that whoever finished first got to sleep in his bed. I guess he was wanting some snuggle time.

A Princess has a Family

I sold Evi's dress on e-bay. The one she used for Juan's cousin's party. I was bummed because I had never sold anything on e-bay and didn't know what I was doing, so I sold the dress for a lot less than what we paid. I was frustrated with myself for not at least getting my money out of it. Well... the lady who won it just left our feedback, and it made me cry. She told us that the dress was for her foster daughter who is going to be adopted, and she bought the dress for her adoption hearing. She went on to say that she ( the little girl) is thrilled with the dress and looks beautiful in it. It made my day knowing that there is a little girl somewhere, that is anxious to be joined with her family, and she will do it looking like a princess. It's worth it to lose a little money, and know that I made someone's day!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Biker Dude

I still got the hots for my husband. I am glad that after 9 years I still think he's the best thing since ice cream. Maybe it's cause he rides a motorcycle. Thanks Jason.


We had Hope and Ava over on Sunday. Sebastian and Hope, who are 3 months apart, had fun with the hose and the trampoline, and Ava had fun on the swing. The Urbans will be missed when they move.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

This picture reminded me of a scene in " Over the Hedge", where R.J the raccoon tells all his friends, that if a human ever walks up on them, they should start licking themselves, and that the humans love it. I wonder what all the animals think with people just gawking at them.

In the car on our way home, we go around and say what out favorite part of the zoo visit was. Evi said " My favorite was watching the elephant poop". and Sebastian said " My favorite starts with 'monk', you know what it is?" Anyway it was a good day.

Day at the Zoo

It's rare that Juan is home on a Saturday, but today it rained, and he wasn't able to mow, so we went to the zoo for family time!
We took a picnic, to eat there. P.B.J's and sushi for Juan. As I was sitting there, I thought it was pretty funny that my Mexican was eating sushi with chopsticks, in a zoo, while the rest of us had P.B.J's

Friday, August 22, 2008

Sebastian's First Day

My boy is going once a week to a pre-school to get him ready for real school. He has two teachers and today was his first day. Goodness, what was I thinking? The day started with getting Evi off to school, and returning home to pack Sebastian a lunch, blanket ( for quiet time) and a stuffed animal that will help him lay down. Seeing what I was doing, he informs me nicely that he will NOT go to school. We debated back and forth for a while, and I'm wondering if this is a big waste of money, since he doesn't even want to go, and then I remembered.. I'm the Mom!
That's when I informed him not so nicely that he better get his bottom in the car, cause I was leaving, and he WAS coming with me. We arrive at the school, me with my camera to take a picture of my boys first day, and him clinging for dear life to my neck. I decided the picture wasn't that important, and I let the teachers know I had a rough morning with him ( like they couldn't tell by the way I was sweating and huffing and puffing), and I left him there screaming " MOMMY!!"
When I went to get him, I was expecting him to run into my open arms and tell me never to leave him again. Instead.. He was sleeping. And he didn't make a craft. I guess he knew I won that battle, but he's going to make sure I work hard for it.

Second Cousin Caleb

Caleb is my cousin, and we love having him around. He even clears his plate and washes the dishes. He is quite a catch! The kids really enjoy his company too. Sebastian always wants to show Caleb his toys, and Caleb always takes the time to make my kids feel special. Here they are seeing how far "Stretchy Guy" can stretch.

Schools In!!

Here is Evi, reading "Little House on the Prairie" for 20 minutes before bedtime as daily homework.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

I was a bum

Tonight I was a bum. For about 40 minutes, I got to go to a homeless shelter. You see, I was driving home from my M.E.N.D. meeting and I noticed that my battery light, and ABS light was on. This happened to us on Sunday, and we were told then that we needed a new battery, so we got one. Well as I am coasting down the road, I realize someone didn't know what they were talking about, because it was happening again. As I'm driving back from Sand Springs, I realize I am loosing power fast, so I take the first exit I come to. Turns out it wasn't the ideal exit, because it is know as the homeless neighborhood in downtown Tulsa. So I finally stop and veer into a parking lot, and see a gentleman/bum, who I ask to help me push my van into a parking space, but he had no muscles, so I decided to leave it where it was. He informs me that there is a homeless shelter next door and they might let me borrow their phone. ( I had tried calling Juan when I was first loosing power, but my phone was going dead. All he knew I was stranded in downtown Tulsa, and didn't know where I was). So.. as I am walking up to the door, I see several people out on the sidewalk, sleeping. When they buzz me in(after explaining why I was there), I see many, many more people laying on floor space, sleeping. So I use the phone and call my wonderful brother-in law, John to come rescue me ( of course with my hubby/knight in shining armor also on his way). So after about 40 minutes of waiting, I see the guys out by the van trying to get it working. I decided to contribute to the needy and gave them the left over pink lemonade cupcakes I made for our meeting. They seemed excited!
So, the moral of the story...1- don't leave the house without your phone charged- you never know when you'll need it, and 2- be prepared for bums to ask you for cigarettes or money. ( A bum asked Juan for a cigarette, but Juan told him he was an Olympic athlete, and he didn't smoke) and 3- always carry cupcakes, you never know when they'll come in handy!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sweet Girl

Today we got to baby-sit Ava, my newest little niece. She was so cute! She crawled over to where we have our fan, and she sat up and enjoyed the breeze in her face. She kept touching the fan, and trying to lick the air. Later, I laid down with her for a nap, but she kept laughing at nothing in particular, so I told her to go to sleep, and left her. I was peeking at her through the door to make sure she wouldn't fall off the bed, and she stared sucking on her arm, like she does when she goes to sleep, and 5 minutes later, she was fast asleep.

Couch Potato

The other day I was calling Sebastian, and telling him to put shoes on, and after a few tries without a response, I went to see what he had gotten into. Well, here he was, fast asleep.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Burp rags

This is for my friend Terra, who wanted to see some of my work.

Lunch with Evi

Evi had a rough morning, so I went to eat lunch with her.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

At the Zoo

We went to the zoo yesterday with my friend Sunny and her son Brayden. Brayden wanted to see the elephants and giraffe's and Sebastian wanted to see monkeys and "giraffses"
We took a little picnic and enjoyed the animals. I even got to pet a llama. It reminded me of my mission trip to Peru. There were lots of llamas there.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Evi is a third grader!!

Here she is, in her new class, new classmates, and a new teacher, Miss Smith. She was very excited about going today, and no, I did not cry!

Coffe Queen

Evi loves coffee. The other morning I made myself some, and she asked if she could have some. I told her, "just a little bit".
So... here she is with her coffee.

Sunday Night

We went to say goodbye to my cousin Dalene this past weekend. She is going to Japan to teach English. That sure is the way to live life. She has traveled quite a bit. So while we were there, we saw Nanny, and Evi got to play with Dalene's Wii Fit. Here she is doing some hula hoop action. In all the fun we forgot to get a picture of Dalene. Sorry Dalene! But here's one of Ava with Nanny.

Monday, August 11, 2008

School is Starting

I called the school this morning to find out when school starts, since I haven't gotten any newsletter/calls or e-mail from them. Well, open house is tomorrow, so I need to go school supply shopping. In all the hustle I started remembering when Evi first was going to school.
One of my fondest memories was when she was 5 and in Kindergarten. It was a big deal for me, my baby was officially in school. So when I got a call from the principal, I was shocked. But I was in for the real shocker...
My sweet little girl had taken a pocket knife Juan had won for Fathers Day as her show and tell that day! I wanted to cry. And laugh. So I had to go to the school to get the knife and explain to Evi why we DON'T take knifes to public school. She was so proud that Daddy won a knife because she was born the day before Fathers Day, she wanted the whole class to know. This is when she was in first grade.

Friday, August 8, 2008

New Business Opportunity

I have known Yvonne for a while now. and an opportunity has opened for her and I to start working together on some unique gift items.
Yvonne is one of the craftiest people that I know. Check out her stuff at
I will be making burp rags and nursing/receiving blankets and she is making diaper cakes. If anyone knows of someone that is expecting a baby, these make great gifts!
We are hoping to set up at craft fairs, but I think word of mouth is also a great way to let people know of these great gifts.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Evi's Question

Evi asked me a question a while back, that I don't have an answer to. So, I thought I would get some input from anyone who would like to give some.
Her question is... What language did everyone speak before the tower of Babel incident?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Our Friends

Juanjo, aqui te va! Saludos a todos, y besos para la nena.
These are our friends, Juan Jose and Pilar in Aguascalientes. They always let us stay with them when we are there, and they just had a sweet little girl, Maria Jose in March. Juan and Juan Jose went to school together and have remained close. They are a sweet family and make great parents. There is another Juan. Juan Ramon, and they were called the "Juanes". This is who Juan went to Spain with several years ago.

6 random things about me

I was tagged by my sister Charissa for this game: Six random things about me. Here are the rules: Link to the persons who twgged you. * Mention the rules. * Tell six quirky yet boring, unspectacular things about yourself. * Tag six other bloggers by linking to them. * Go to each persons blog and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.

1. My son likes touching my neck. Especially at bed time.
2.I have 2 tatoos. One on my ankle, one on my foot.
3.I had Hepatitis as a child, thanks to good old Mexican milk.
4.I was set up with my husband, by a mutual friend of ours.
5.I cry way too much.. commercials, movies, country songs, etc.
6.I get blisters really bad on my feet, which both my kids inherited.

I tag my friend Sunny, my friend Terra, my friend Jessica, my friend Yvonne, my friend Crosby, and my Aunt Beth.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Home at Last

It is hard coming home after a long trip. The kids get used to getting their way since parents don't feel comfortable disciplining their kids in front of others and once we get home, things get back to normal. Well tonight we had " Battle of the Will" going on in our home....
Sebastian put up one good fight, but in the end, we won. It started with dinner. He didn't want spaghetti and meatballs, he just wanted the meatballs. And no water... but chocolate milk. Then, he refused to pick up his toys in the living room, then he decided to start in with his sister. Then once bedtime rolled around he NEEDED his "Cars" P.J.'s, but mom only found the top ( we are still unpacking), and he threw a fit about that. I informed him that I couldn't find them, and his response was" Mom! Yes you can.. you can do anything!" So.... once we got into bed,(I felt sorry for him for all the trouble he was getting into) that I laid with him in his bed. He asked for a drink of milk, and Daddy got him some.. only it wasn't what he wanted, he wanted CHOCOLATE milk! There was no making this kid happy. So I'm laying with him and he has that hiccup sigh that kids do when they get lots of spankings and have been crying a long time, and he says to me.." Mom, don't leave my bed and go to yours, okay mom, please don't go." Within minutes he was asleep. Favorite P.J.'s forgotten, milk in his tummy, and mommy DID leave his bed to go to mine! ( I never promised I'd stay!)
Hopefully things will go back to normal sooner than later.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

More Pictures

Camacho Family with birthday girl

Tio Lalo, Tia Guille and Juan

Tia Martha, Mama Zenaida and Tio Elias

..and Camachos

Nely and Evi

Juan's Family

Juan and Evi on the dance floor

Juan and Birthday Girl, Nely

Evi and Dad

Juan and his other cousin, Liz

Tio Elias and Tia Guille