Thursday, January 29, 2009

It could be worse

Once again we have been hit with an ice storm. I am grateful that at least this time we have electricity. Evi has been home from school most of the week, and we are trying not to get stir crazy. We did go out and play for a little bit, and then came in for some hot cocoa. On Charissa's blog she mentioned mismatched gloves. We had that same problem. You can see more pictures on Evi's blog.


Dalene said...

You know you're a Rovenstine if: Your kids never have matching gloves (or socks).

(Because really, what difference does it make?)

Once, we got to a restaurant, when my "big" girl was only four years old. When we were getting out of the car, she realized she only had one shoe. I made her put on a sock and "limp" into the restaurant. IS THAT WRONG?

Anonymous said...

You should see it over here in PA. Crazy ice and snow. I never had matching gloves when I was a kid either. I think we even used socks one year.

RoverHaus said...

Brrrr....but those smiles warmed me up quite nice!

We miss you guys. Come North and walk on water (frozen)!