Thursday, January 29, 2009

It could be worse

Once again we have been hit with an ice storm. I am grateful that at least this time we have electricity. Evi has been home from school most of the week, and we are trying not to get stir crazy. We did go out and play for a little bit, and then came in for some hot cocoa. On Charissa's blog she mentioned mismatched gloves. We had that same problem. You can see more pictures on Evi's blog.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sweet Moments

This morning after taking Evi to school, Sebastian and I spend some time coloring. He picked out some pictures from a Sesame Street coloring book and we started coloring. It is amazing the things kids say. These are the moments I cherish.

Sebastian kept referring to Elmo as a 'she' and I kept telling him that Elmo is a boy. He said "Elmo is a girl, like you and Evi, and she is a princess like you". 
I said " I'm a princess?" He said "Only when you wear makeup, all princesses wear makeup". And he said four different times that he loved me (melt my heart!)

I think it is serious time to start thinking about taking him to the monster truck races and signing him up for karate.

Why the Name?

I was asked why the name 'We Speak Spanglish' is the name of our blog. My husband was born and raised in Mexico and now he is an American citizen, and I grew up in Mexico. Both of us speak fluent English and Spanish, she we speak both at home. My sister helped me come up with that name.

On a completely different note.....

Am I crazy? Yesterday I went to the Goodwill store ( one of my favorite stores) to get Evi some long sleeve shirts and I found a pair of blue booties and a bib. Why I got a bib and booties for 50 cents is beyond me. When I told my sister what I had done her reply was "You are nesting". That is freaking me out. I am trying so hard to be patient with this foster thing, but I have to tell you all.. if we end up adopting don't be surprised! I am anxious to minister to children in need, but this is feeling really good! Who knows.. maybe the Lord is preparing us for something. We have 2 1/2 Saturdays left and we will be done, and could get a call anytime after that. I think I am crazy!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Messenger of God

I mentioned in my last post about this upcoming birth that I was to be a part of. Honestly I was dreading it because I felt emotional about it. This little man's momma is 11 years old. It was difficult for me because I have an 8 1/2 year old daughter and I saw her through a mothers eyes. Why was this baby having a baby? She is my youngest client and it burdened me to think of her having to go through childbirth. Fortunately there is a family now that this little boy can grow up with, who will love him as their own and his birth mom can continue to be a child. I was touched to see that this little boy's name means "Messenger of God". I am grateful that even though no one knew of his arrival ( she found out in November) God has had a plan all along. 

And a huge thanks to my friend Yvonne who was willing to watch the kids for us that day! What a relief to have friends that can not only deal with their own kids but yours as well. Crosby, thanks for being willing to watch them too! I have the greatest friends!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Prayers Please

Tomorrow morning I will be attending the hardest birth yet (the youngest birth mother I've assisted). I would like to ask for your prayers that I might be a vessel, and that God would use me to show His love. This will be birth # 70 for me, and I know it will be an emotional one. 

Tonight I will kiss my daughter good-night and thank the Lord that she is safe. Please do the same for your children.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Name Ideas

This is my Mom's new dog. She is a Great Dane. Does anyone have some good name ideas??

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Today my high school friend Rachel and her husband braved taking two kids to Incredible Pizza. They entertained our kids while we were at our first session for our foster care training, and did a great job at it! The kids had so much fun. Rachel said that her favorite part of taking them to Incredible Pizza was when Sebastian looked at the trash can trying to figure out how to play it. Evi had fun playing Wii with Aaron and Rachel. I know that whenever they decide to have their own kids, they will be amazing parents! We were at ease in our class knowing that the kids were being taken care of. Thanks guys!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Pay it Forward

I received a very unique gift in the mail today from my brother Jason. I was one of the winners on the 'pay it forward' experiment. (You can see his blog here.)

He sent:

 A monkey nail file-something to make you smile while your filing your nails.

A box of memo notes-very handy next to the phone or in the kitchen.

A corn-dog with mustard air freshener- anyone have suggestions where I should put it?

Leave it to someone like Jason to find a gift like that!

Here are the official "rules": The exchange focuses on doing an act of kindness without expecting anything in return other than that the recipient will, in their turn, pass the kindness along and pay it forward. This is how it works... I am going to agree to send something fun, cute, & nice to the first 3 blog owners who post a comment on this entry. In turn, those three will post will post this information and pick 3 people they want to send something to and so on.
Unfortunately, due to postage costs, I can only pay it forward within the United States.

If you are interested in participating, be one of the first 3 blog owners to leave a comment! The little something you send can be something you made, bought, given or found. Just a gift that will make the person smile. There are no cost restraints, but don't go crazy! If you'd like to join in, be one of the first 3 people to leave a comment. You have to promise that you will then post about it (once you receive your gift) on your blog, link to me, and then send something to the first three people who sign up to play along through your blog. I hope people like this idea. It's a small way to bring a smile to someone's face!

Thanks Jason for the incredibly unique gifts!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Look

For Christmas I got a trip to the salon. My friend Lori cuts hair and I asked her to do something different. I feel like I've had the same look for years, so she got to work. I thing it's so funny that if I want a picture of myself I have to take it. There are so few pictures of women, since they are the ones usually taking the pictures. Here's a challenge! Start taking pictures of yourself. Who knows, maybe whoever sees you might offer to take one for you! I better be seeing some pictures on blogs of self portraits!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Boy and Me

Evi and Sebastian have very different personalities. Evi was never a snuggler and seems to want to get out into the world on her own and experience life. For those that know her she has a hard time keeping quiet and she never has met a stranger. Sebastian on the other hand doesn't seem to mind always being close, and never wants to talk to anyone. He is the one who gets into bed with us every morning for snuggles and I am trying to enjoy all of it. I know he won't always be that way. 

So today as we were fishing and hanging out, he said a couple of things that I had to post about. As we were fishing, he was telling me that he had a bad dream last night. I asked him about it.
Sebastian: I had a bad dream in the night.
Me: Really? What was it about?
Sebastian: I was eating a hamburger and it had pickles and mustard.
(He doesn't like pickles)

Then as we were fishing I caught a fish, and he came over to "help" me. Later on I told him I think I got something. There was a lot of moss on the floor of the pond and I guess my hook got caught. When I reeled it I saw that it was just moss. He said "Momma, you got some weed!"
I was glad it was just the two of us at that point.
Anyway, I hope he remembers me fishing with him and letting him drive.

Best Friend Cousins

Liesel had a sleep-over last night. The girls get along great and enjoy being with each other. Even though we had to quiet some giggles at bed-time the girls always seem to just click.

Today we went to the ranch to see Red Rain and to fish. Liesel and Evi had fun brushing her and then they were off to fish, even though they didn't catch anything.