Monday, December 15, 2008


I remember well my mother making cinnamon rolls. I think she is the best cook on the planet! But one thing I hated about those cinnamon rolls were the little cherries and candied fruit she would put on them. I would always pick them off. I'm sure she put them in the cinnamon rolls because they were red and green and after all she was making them for Christmas presents, but I wasn't crazy about them at all. So today I made some cinnamon rolls without the candied red and green fruit. I hope one day my kids don't say "Mom should have put some red and green candied fruit in those rolls to make them more Christmas-like". I asked the kids what we should cut the cinnamon rolls with. Evi suggested a knife, Sebastian scissors, and when I pulled out the string (like my mom did), they were amazed that I would try cutting something with string! I wonder if my mom used string because she didn't have a good knife, or maybe that's the way her mom taught her. Needless to say I will keep the tradition going!  


Tim Rovenstine said...

Now we know it is Christmas, when our women start baking cinnamon rolls.

Melissa said...

They look yummy! I made cinnamon rolls today, too, but they weren't homemade :) I love reading about your family. Sammy just celebrated his 10th birthday yesterday, the 14th. What day was Sebastian born on?

mom2four said...

Is this some secret family recipe or can you share?? I've never made or I believe even HAD homemade cinnamon rolls! They look YUMMY :)

Terra said...

I'm coming to your house. YUMMY!! I need that recipe!

liesel said...

I hope you used fresh dental floss.

Dalene said...

YOur mom is an amazing cook.

That reminds me...I need your recipe for those crackers again. I need to cook some things for our ski trip, and I'm looking for some easy stuff... Those were YUMMY!~