Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Pictures

Im curious as to how many people experience trouble taking family pictures of themselves. We were laughing this day because we were trying to get Sebastian not to make a silly face, Evi to smile naturally, and the dogs to look at the camera all while Juan is pushing the button and running into place. After maybe 15 shots, we finally decide to just pick one. Juan's legs were getting tired of sprinting, the dogs were wiggling, Evi was tired of smiling and we were done. I had to post this picture. As the eye behind the camera you can say "Quit making silly faces" and "Evi, move your hand!", but as we all were smiling for the camera, little did I know. That's why I love my digital camera! By the way, we did not use this for our Christmas cards this year.

On a totally different note, this past week I was in bed (yes.. all week) due to back problems. I think it was caused by that crazy long birth I had. The most frustrating thing is not being able to do anything for your family. I owe many thanks to my sweet hubby, who never complained of having to do dishes, bathe kids, do laundry, dinners & lunches, pick up the house and on top of all that still take care of me. Also, thanks Charissa for cleaning my house, and for the soups and bread, and for being willing to take Ava out of school to take me to Dr.'s visits, and just being willing to help, and to Sunny and Yvonne for all you did for me too. Thanks to all my friends & family for the phone calls to see how I was doing. I am blessed!


Dalene said...

you have a beautiful family....


Unknown said...

Wish I could have helped out too. Just have to say extra prayers long distance. I am glad you have family and friends close by. Hope you are better. Love, Mom

Robin said...

Marlita, that picture is WONDERFUL
I love it so much