My friend Terra tagged me to play this game. First, 5 of my favorite things, and a little something about myself. Now I must challenge 5 people to do their favorite 5:
Jessica, Crosby, Yvonne, Charissa, Liesel.
1. I love the things my kids will do for a laugh. They are always saying or doing something to make us laugh.
2. I love my parents. I hope to one day be like my Mom.
3. I love my little boys snuggle first thing in the morning, when he climbs into bed with us.( Evi was never a snuggler)
4. I love assisting Mommas while they are welcoming their new little ones.
5. I love my hubby's kisses.
More blogging fun, a get to know me survey...
Who's Who?
What is your husbands name? Juan
How long have you been married? 9 years & 7 months
How long did you date? From the time we met, to the time we got married it was 13 months.
How old is he? 32
Who is taller? He is, not by much though.
Who can sing best? Neither one of us really, but at least I can sing on key...
Who is smarter? He is, hands down!
Who does the laundry? I do, but he has tried before.
Who pays bills? I write the checks, he tells me what to pay.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? If your looking at the bed, I do. It is closest to the door, and bathroom. Why is it only women that have to go in the middle of the night?
Who mows the lawn? He does, unless he's been mowing all day, and I feel like helping him out.
Who cooks the meals? I do unless I am in bed with back problems, then he does.
Who is first to admit when they are wrong? I usually do, cause he is usually right.
Who kissed who first? I think that was me.
Who wears the pants? He does, but I am the belt!
Go ahead try it out, it's fun to learn about each other!!
I loved your comments on this game. Thanks for honoring your Mom. You have been a wonderful daughter, wife and now Mom yourself. Sounds like you guys have it all figured out! Good for you!! Love, Mom
Do you happen to know Sunny's new address? If so, email it to
Thank you friend!!!
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