Saturday, November 29, 2008


We had so much fun at my Uncle Mark's house for Thanksgiving. There were 48 people including kids. My Grandma who is 93, dressed as a pilgrim to celebrate. I believe that is a doily on her head, that she sewed ribbons on, to make a bonnet. We had lots of fun and fellowship, and it was good to be with family.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Longest Birth Ever

I have been at the hospital the last couple of days. I got a call on Monday night, go got there at around 8pm, she was being induced for high blood pressure, and she finally delivered last night at 8:45pm, and I got home at 10:30. I think this was my longest one yet.
We are looking forward to going to Bartlesville for Thanksgiving, and being with family. Today is my day to recuperate and get ready for tomorrow!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Craft Show

This weekend was the craft show that Yvonne & I attended. It was our first one, and we had fun. We had a candle booth next to us that at first smelled nice, but 8 hours later, we were ready to get out of there.
There were a lot of people that took our business cards, and even a pregnant woman in labor, that had gone to just walk to get labor going, who I was able to share some insight as to what would help. The lady in charge of the church nursery came by and asked if we could start making diaper cakes for her to give to the new mom's at church! We really felt like it was a great opportunity to get the word out of our business, and there weren't any other diaper cake booths there. It was a lot of fun!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Sebastian has a friend, Mollie. She has spent the week with us, and we have enjoyed having her. Today we made some turkeys for Thanksgiving. Considering I didn't make a trip to the craft store, and three year olds made them, I think they turned out pretty cute! Speaking of cute.. isn't Mollie a doll? Sebastian thinks she is!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Great Tag!

Don't you love the 4th picture in the 4th folder of your picture files? I do! I was tagged by Jennifer B. to post & tell about it, then tag 4 more friends to do the same. So here it is:

Here is one of many pictures that the kids take when I'm not looking. It is a turkey butt, I mean turkey feathers. It was given to Evi by my cousin Caleb, and she has it in her room. I think it is kind of gross.
I now tag my brother Jason, my friends Crosby, Yvonne & Cousin Dalene R. Can't wait to see your 4ths!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Where is Spiderman when you need him?

I can't imagine why I can't find a Spiderman toy to put on top of a cake. Wal-Mart has some for $10.99 but then why try to go cheap if you have to spend that much on a topper. I spent most of the day looking on e-bay, but by the time you wait and wait, the bid is at $11 plus shipping. I have looked online at Target, Toys-R-Us. Has anyone seen a Spiderman that is a reasonable price? I am thinking of going to the Goodwill to search in the toy bin!

Friday, November 14, 2008

I got a new job

I am now giving childbirth classes. My first official client came by tonight for a class, and I will also be her Doula in a couple weeks. It is nice to know that I will get paid for my time that I put into the classes. Now I need to get my hands on some childbirth class materials.
On the 22nd, my friend Yvonne and I have a Art's & Craft Show, where we will be selling our diaper cakes. If anyone wants to purchase one, or just stop by and see us, we will be at The Church at Battle Creek on 61st and Aspen, on November 22nd from 9am to 5pm or you can visit our blog

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Great Friends

I have some amazing friends. Crosby, thank you so much for the WONDERFUL vegetable soup! It really hit the spot! There was even enough to have leftovers, mmm.
And Yvonne offered to bring me medicine to make me feel better, my sister offered to babysit for the day and my sweet husband took over the house, made runs to the grocery store for medicine, did dishes and really helped out with the kids.
While I was lying in bed trying to recuperate, Sebastian came in, found some lotion and attempted to give me a foot massage. Then he went to my closet, got some black heels, put them on my feet, then told me I needed to get out of bed, put a princess dress on ( he didn't approve of my sweats), and then wait for my prince to come kiss me and wake me up. I told him I would just pretend I was wearing a princess dress, and my shoes make me look princess enough. Keep in mind I'm still in bed at this point, and I hear him go tell Daddy to go kiss the princess so she'll wake up. Juan came in & kissed my forehead ( guess he doesn't wanna get sick too). I know I don't have vacation time, or maternity leave, or sick days, but who gets to be a princess every day?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sick Days?? What's that??

I love being a mom. Pregnancy and birth, and the after part, where they grow up and are smarty pants. But I wonder why stay at home moms don't have sick days, vacation time, paid time off, maternity leave or the ability to call in sick. I think that they should be a " Celebrate a Stay at Home Mom" Day. I wonder if Obama would go for that?
I think I have the flu. My house is a mess, it is almost noon, and Sebastian is still in P.J.'s, none of the beds are made, but I did manage to get Evi off to school. I'm making my son become a couch potato. "What movie you wanna watch next, Sebastian?" is my favorite line when I'm sick. I guess instead of blogging, I need to get off my seat and do housework!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Look who went fishing!

We went to the ranch again this weekend, and while Evi rode on the trail, Sebastian went fishing. He caught 3 fish, with Mommas help. He wanted to keep the one on the rock, and eat it, but I couldn't get Nemo out of my head, and we ended up throwing him back. We might keep the ones we catch next time.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Out of the mouths of babes..

Sebastian made a letter for God at church last night. I have always wondered what he thinks about God. It turns out it was a thank you note. The teacher told me that when she heard what Sebastian was thankful for, she told him to think some more and she would be back to help him write it down. After hearing all the other kids say what they were thankful for, the teacher asked him again he said" You heard me". So she wrote part of what he said. He said he liked dressing up like Stephanie, with pink hair, from "Lazy Town". Evi is out of the dress up stage, so I have no clue where he got that. Why couldn't he have said " I like dressing up like Spiderman" We all had a good laugh.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How many times have you heard.....

"Momma can we keep it? It's a baby??" This morning I did, several times, and with tears after I threw the thing out the back door. "NO WAY!"

Fall Festival

We went to the Jones' Ranch for our church Fall Festival. The next morning we went to help them pick up trash and clean out the barn from the party the night before.
It was such a nice day, we were able to see Red Rain, and groom her, and then I saw Sebastian down by the pond, and I realized how much I would love to live in the country. This is where Red Rain calls home, and it is so nice that we can go see her whenever and hang out at a beautiful ranch. I spy Sebastian, can you?