I was at a birth yesterday. She was at the hospital 38 hours before the baby was born. It's not that I'm against inductions when they are medically necessary but when they think your overdue a week, and start inducing you and nothing happens, and 38 hours later you get a baby that looks like he is 2 weeks early, well?? So, this is T.J. He weighed 6 lbs, 15 oz, and took his time getting here. Needless to say, I was tired, so Evi made me breakfast in bed this morning. Its a graham cracker with peanut butter, oats and coconut, surrounded by a bed of scrambled eggs, and to drink? Why, chocolate milk (with chocolate dribbled on the side of the cup) and coconut sprinkled on top. Eat that IHOP! And she even washed the dishes!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Posted by Marlita at 8:28 AM 7 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dinner at the Urbans
We went over to the Urbans for dinner last night. Liesel and Evi are attending Vacation Bible School and are having a fun time. So after dinner we played their new rock band video game, and had fun. I love that Ava loves Uncle Juan, and likes rubbing her hands on his face. Thanks Urbans for letting us come over!
Posted by Marlita at 9:20 AM 7 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
New Blogs
There are a couple of blogs I wanted to add for anyone interested to see.
Evi started one because her cousin started one, hers is eviloveshorses.blogspot.com
Liesel's is puppiesandflowers.blogspot.com
and my friend Sunny started one.. way to jump on the bandwagon gals! Her's is sunnyleavell.blogspot.com
Check them out and let them know they have viewers. Blogging is so much funner when you have readers :)
And thanks to my sister, Charissa for inviting me out last night, even though I was the only one not dressed to kill. I had a blast! Let's do it again sometime without the fancy dresses :)
Posted by Marlita at 1:59 PM 4 comments
My Boy
Sebastian loves his daddy. So do I. To see Sebastian put on Juan's mowing hat, it reminds me that my kids have the best example of a hard worker. He gives each of us our time, and at the same time works hard so I can stay home with our kids. I am blessed.
Posted by Marlita at 1:54 PM 1 comments
Our neighbor gave Evi her wig after she won her battle with cancer. So Evi comes out with the wig on and says " Mom... I'm MacGyver". I guess she has been watching it with her cousins, and I have to say, there is a resemblance.
Posted by Marlita at 1:36 PM 4 comments
I always wondered why I am tired in the mornings... well, it might be the fact that a little boy gets in bed with us in the middle of the night, and he loves to get extra close. Evi admitted to taking this picture, which is scary because she is awake while I'm asleep. I guess I need to enjoy it while it lasts, because there will come a day he won't want to snuggle anymore, and I will have the rest of my life to make up my lack of sleep.
Posted by Marlita at 1:26 PM 2 comments
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Evi's Camp
Well, she survived.
The worst thing that happened was she threw up from a marshmallow eating contest. She stuffed 8 marshmallows in her mouth, then had to say "Chubby Bunny". She threw up, but won a prize. She also said the boys put a toad in their cabin, but they just stuck it in the boys cabin. It was her actual birthday on Tuesday, so they ordered her a cake and the children's pastors gave her a purse, a cowgirl shirt, a radio/ipod thingy, chapstick, and a Bible with a bee on it. The theme for camp was "Bee Amazing" and she also won a Bee Spirit award, ( that's what's on Sebastians head.) When I asked her what it was for, she said it was for whoever had a good Spirit about camp. Anyway, she asked if she could work there when she is 16, and she wants to be in charge of the horses.. go figure. Anyway, she wants to go again next year! I asked Juan to take pictures... and these are the 3 he took.
Posted by Marlita at 12:19 PM 4 comments
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Summer Bible Camp
Evi is on her summer camp. We left her tonight and she will be there till Tuesday night. I feel she is growing up so fast. She was very excited, and can't wait to hear all her stories. We went to a Fathers Day picnic at the camp, and Evi stayed there. They grilled hamburgers and hot dogs, and Sebastian and Juan went on a canoe. I will miss her!
Posted by Marlita at 5:51 PM 5 comments
No Helmet, No Shirt, No Problem
This guy is a true red neck. I LOVE Oklahoma!! We were on our way home, on the freeway, and this guy is on his motorcycle, going 65 mph.
Posted by Marlita at 5:36 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Evi's Party
Posted by Marlita at 8:33 AM 4 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
Who Wants Birthday Cake??
Not Evi!! She requested cookies, instead of cake...so here there are. Stay tuned for more pictures of her party tonight.
Posted by Marlita at 9:18 AM 7 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Follow up of the Blister
Ok, I went to pop his blister after his bath last night, and he cried and said" Please momma don't pop it", so I didn't. But today I was watching " Beauty and the Beast" with the kids, and there's a part where Belle is running on the hill, and Sebastian said "Momma, does Belle get blisters?" And I asked him why, he said, "cause she's running"... She doesn't get blisters, just falls in love with a really scary beastly man creature.
As far as the Crocs and flip flops, I am wondering if that is what caused it. The location of the blister is right where the shoes rub.
Posted by Marlita at 1:18 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Date Night
Tonight Juan took Evi to mow with him so she could earn some money for her church camp this weekend. So, since Juan and Evi were out, I took Sebastian on a little date as well. We went to get a snow cone. I asked Sebastian to get his shoes on, and he did, but complained of the shoes hurting his blister. So.. he tried 3 different pairs on, and they all hurt his blister, so I finally decided to let him wear his slippers on our date. He asked me to pop it with the matches ( since he knows I burn the needle before popping them), I guess he's used to it by now. I can't figure what shoes are giving him blisters, I wish they made special shoes for people with our condition. Non-blistering shoes, I'd make a fortune just off my family!
Posted by Marlita at 7:19 PM 8 comments
P.B.J's and Playing Indoors
I told Evi today we weren't going to watch T.V. or play on the computer.. we were going to enjoy the outdoors. We went to the park with the kids, on bikes, and the dog. The kids had more fun with the dog than at the park, so once we had our fill of the park we came home for some lunch. Sebastian wanted a " jelly jelly sandwich" (P.B.J) and Evi a quesadilla. My question is, why do kids eat the center, and that's it? Evi went to her room "to rest" from her hard play, and I peeked in to see her playing her "My Littlest Pet Shop" game. I guess I never said no games, just no computer games..
Posted by Marlita at 10:54 AM 2 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Car Games
As we were coming home from church, the kids started playing "I Spy".
Sebastian- " I spy with my little eye..... a tunnel" (as we were going under a bridge)
Evi- " I spy a hospital"
Sebastian- " I spy... a tree"
Evi- " I spy an invisible toot" (and she giggled)
Juan- " Nice Evi, way to keep it classy"
Evi- " Not classy dad, gassy"
We really tried not to laugh, but we all got the giggles.
Posted by Marlita at 12:22 PM 2 comments
Football Game
We went to an indoor football game. I think my husband missed his calling in life. He should of been a referee for football. He kept calling the plays, and kept saying things like, "False start, false start!" & "Flag, flag" & kept giving high fives and telling the kids what was going to happen next. I must say it was a fun family night.
Posted by Marlita at 12:11 PM 4 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Making Paint
I walked into the dining room to find Sebastian "making paint". All you need is glue, and markers to give it a little color, and paper to paint on. He even showed me his hands to see the beautiful color he made...And yes, he is wearing his sisters dress/painters smock over his pajamas... he has a thing for p.j.'s
Posted by Marlita at 3:06 PM 4 comments
I met my friend Crosby at the sprinkler park today. I love not having to spend money on entertainment, and the kids had a blast. I have the sweetest boy who picked a weed for me and one for his sister. I'm training him on how important it is to get flowers.
Posted by Marlita at 2:54 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Long Weekend
I had the longest weekend. The reason I didn't go to Mexico with my mom and dad was because I had a girl who was due and I was to be her doula. She was induced Friday morning at 7am ( the baby was 2 days over due), and she had her baby last night at 7:30 pm. 36 1/2 HOURS!!! Let's just say I was pooped. I am sure it will take me a couple days to regroup. I will say the little guy made an entrance, but he is doing great!
Posted by Marlita at 4:41 PM 4 comments