Saturday, March 21, 2009

Home Again

There is so much to cover.. where to begin. We made it home safe from a very long trip. We enjoyed seeing family and getting to know the newest member of the clan, six month old Angel. He is the first child of Juan's brother Arturo and his wife Monica. He is adorable! Silvia and Oscar ( Monica's folks) make wonderful grandparents to not only their own grandchild, but to ours as well. Oscar played bowling with them in the house.. how fun is that! They were able to set up a kiddie pool in the back for the kids, and with the heat the kids had fun with that too, not to mention all the movies they had to choose from.

They were gracious enough to let us stay with them, and we also were able to go see Mama Zenaida. She is the grandma he ran away to several times when he was six or seven.

Evi lost a tooth while we were there, caught a soccer game with dad and spent most of her time in Tio Juan's store helping sell candy, pencils, notebooks stickers book covers and anything else related to school supplies. She tried oysters in the market ( I know... scary) and she is wanting to learn Spanish so she can communicate with her Mexican side of the family.
Sebastian fell for Mama Tere's cat Vainillo and in Guadalajara had fun painting with water, washing windows, and learning to play marbles with dad. He also frequented the shop for candy with Tio Juan, especially after being bribed for a photo op. He found a new favorite movie which has us all humming the tune to Pete's Dragon.
 We also found out that the foster family that has the little girl we thought would be placed with us will be staying at her current home. We were a little sad to hear this ( especially Evi who said.." But I've been praying for a sister for so long") but we also know that God is in control and we trust His plan for this little one's life.
 We enjoyed our time and enjoyed watching the kids interact with their cousins, Uncles, Aunts and Grandparents. I'm trying to figure out how to upload a slideshow of some of our pictures.


liesel said...

Welcome back!

Becca said...

Wow, what a trip you guys had! Can't wait to see pics if you can get them figured out... good luck, sista. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great time. I am glad your back missed your postings. I am sorry about the foster girl. God is in control. I have so much to tell you. I will call you soon or call me. our number changed. 215-853-0534

Tim Rovenstine said...

Glad you're back, those trips are long and hard...I know

Rebecca Rovenstine said...

I remember that store! I believe I bought a pencil, that would have been fun as a child working there.

That is too bad about the foster child. I hope her living situation that is now okay for her to stay in, really is okay.