Tuesday, March 31, 2009

He is here!

This kid... where to begin. He is the most snuggly affectionate little guy. He hates baths, loves bananas and loves the dogs. His way of showing affection is he opens his mouth and rubs his mouth on whatever he is loving on. At first I thought we had a biter, but then after he did it several times and was really happy while doing it, I realize it's his way of communicating. He doesn't say much. Actually the only word I understood was "mama". He looked at me and ran to me and said "mama". He hasn't cried once, except he fussed a little during bath time. He is a great eater, and likes to see how much of the banana he can shove into his mouth. He observes the kids quite a bit and laughs when they do. He also seems to like looking at Juan. I think he will do good here.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Here we go again

Maybe by tomorrow afternoon we will have a little boy in our home. Third time's the charm right?? He is 1 1/2 and I will post as soon as know more.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

*Warning.. read at your own risk*

This is a venting session, so if you don't want to hear complaining quit reading.

I am frustrated! I just got done reading a book about a little girl who is abused and then her stepfather ends up killing her. Yeah I know... it started out really good, but then the ending threw me. I guess being that we are waiting foster parents it doesn't help. There is no reason why we should have had two failed placements, and the case worker won't return phone calls, along with others who don't return phone calls. It's frustrating. We have done our homework. It has taken us since August to get everything done we were suppose to, and now we just wait. Frustrating.
It's funny that there are "so many" children in abusive homes, and in shelters... but we are here with a crib, clothes, a car seat, and we wait.
I'm frustrated that money doesn't grow on trees. I wish my husband didn't have to work so hard. I wish I could be debt free. I wish I didn't owe people money.
I'm frustrated that my kids don't get it that if they go out to play in the slushy snow, I'm the one who gets to clean up and make hot cocoa for them to be able to get warm again.
I know it's no fun to hear people complain, but I have had a heavy heart, and I figure instead of taking it out on my friends and family, I would get it out in cyberspace. I already feel better.

Now that I got that over with... I am grateful for a great family, all my nephews and nieces ( all 13 of them). I'm grateful for health, for 2 kids that keep me busy and make me laugh every single day. I'm grateful that I have a good marriage, a home and a car. I'm grateful that my husband has a job and that I am able to be a stay at home mom ( and clean up slushy snow and make hot cocoa, and wipe bottoms), and I am grateful for friends who love and accept me for who I am. I am glad I am a part of a church that I love. I'm grateful that even though my parents live in another country, I still have them in my life. I am blessed, but surely I'm allowed to have days where I'm frustrated. So today I will look out at the snow and think of all the good things and positive things in my life. Philippians 4:8.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I thought this was funny and thought I would share.

This morning Sebastian got dressed all by himself. He picked his own clothes out and when he emerged from his room he was fully dressed. I told him he did a great job getting ready for the day. 
Today I was running some errands, and Sebastian and I had a little talk. He wanted to go to the mall where there is an indoor play area, and I really wasn't in the mood to go to the mall. So as we're driving down the road, I'm trying to think of something really fun that we could do at home. Like going on a bike ride down to our neighborhood park, or taking the dogs for a walk.
So here is our conversation:
Me: "Let's go home and do something fun"
Him: " But I really want to go see the pig in the Herbie"
Me: "We can go some other time.. let's go do something just you and me, maybe we could paint or go for a walk."
Him "Well fine! I'm not wearing any underwear!"

So... I guess to get me REALLY mad and get back at me for not taking him to the park, he was going to admit to me that he didn't put underwear on this morning. 

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Home Again

There is so much to cover.. where to begin. We made it home safe from a very long trip. We enjoyed seeing family and getting to know the newest member of the clan, six month old Angel. He is the first child of Juan's brother Arturo and his wife Monica. He is adorable! Silvia and Oscar ( Monica's folks) make wonderful grandparents to not only their own grandchild, but to ours as well. Oscar played bowling with them in the house.. how fun is that! They were able to set up a kiddie pool in the back for the kids, and with the heat the kids had fun with that too, not to mention all the movies they had to choose from.

They were gracious enough to let us stay with them, and we also were able to go see Mama Zenaida. She is the grandma he ran away to several times when he was six or seven.

Evi lost a tooth while we were there, caught a soccer game with dad and spent most of her time in Tio Juan's store helping sell candy, pencils, notebooks stickers book covers and anything else related to school supplies. She tried oysters in the market ( I know... scary) and she is wanting to learn Spanish so she can communicate with her Mexican side of the family.
Sebastian fell for Mama Tere's cat Vainillo and in Guadalajara had fun painting with water, washing windows, and learning to play marbles with dad. He also frequented the shop for candy with Tio Juan, especially after being bribed for a photo op. He found a new favorite movie which has us all humming the tune to Pete's Dragon.
 We also found out that the foster family that has the little girl we thought would be placed with us will be staying at her current home. We were a little sad to hear this ( especially Evi who said.." But I've been praying for a sister for so long") but we also know that God is in control and we trust His plan for this little one's life.
 We enjoyed our time and enjoyed watching the kids interact with their cousins, Uncles, Aunts and Grandparents. I'm trying to figure out how to upload a slideshow of some of our pictures.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Great News

Today we are getting ready for our trip to Mexico. Along with making sure the trash is out, dogs are taken care of, everything packed, along with passports and car papers, entertainment for the kids on the road, snacks and water and most important.. toilet paper, we got a call we have been waiting for.

When we return from Mexico, a certain little miss will be temporarily joining our family. She is 2 years old. Our case worker called this morning and told us about her. Now we will be counting the days till we get back so we can meet her. The kids are so excited, and so are we! 

Friday, March 6, 2009

And Evi prayed

Once upon a time, a sweet little girl wanted a baby sister, so she prayed and prayed. She prayed some more and when she saw that her prayers weren't being answered, she said " Lord.. I guess I'll take a brother"

And lo and behold the Lord heard a little girls voice, and sent a little brother. When there is an argument, or hurt feelings she has heard " Well.. you prayed for him".
I am truly blessed to have two amazing kids. A daughter that will read to her brother, and snuggle with him when he is scared of the dark. I love that he is holding her arm, making sure she won't return to her bed. I am blessed.