Friday, September 5, 2008

Buff Girl.

I love that whenever Evi gets home from school, she strips down to undies and gets herself a snack, then relaxes in front of the t.v. Why is it that? Do all kids do that? I mean she is 8, and I am trying to teach her modesty, but she has her own way of doing things. I guess I should let her, she did get 100% on her spelling test that we practiced ALL WEEK!!
Things are progressing with the foster paperwork. I spent an 2 hours trying to request another social security card for Juan, since his was stolen a while back, so that is a small hang up, but we are hoping things will move smoothly. The man that came to talk to us seemed nice and we are praying for whatever child God has waiting for us.


Mary Beth said...

Lacey is 10 and she used to not be so private, but now she won't let me see anything. I'm not allowed in the bathroom anymore. She is growing up.

kirsten said...

Well, who ever she marries will greatly appreciate her way of relaxing!

Janell & Kenny said...

Thats hilarious!