Sunday, February 8, 2009

We Did It!

We are now Foster Parents (no child yet) we should have  a baby placed with us by mid March. Thanks to all of our friends and family who have supported us by watching our kids and being exited with us as we start a new chapter in our lives. Our kids are very exited and we will post more as we get news. Thanks again!


tag's team said...

Congratulations Marlita! I am happy for your new adventure!

liesel said...

I can't wait to babysit!

Anonymous said...

So so so so happy for you both. I know this is something you have been wanting to do. You both are a perfect couple for this. your faith and love for children is very evident in your life. I love you guys and will keep you in my prayers as your new journey begins.

Yvonne said...

FINALLY!!! that's took freakin' FOREVER!!!!!!! hehehe...just kidding...can't wait to see who God places in your home! hugs to all of you.

Tim Rovenstine said...

I too tip my hat, and do a noble posture, like before Royalty and I honor you.

Unknown said...

Oma says I hope these kids can count as more grandkids! Yeah!