Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Frustrating week

I am reliving all the times when Evi's 4th grade teacher said "5th grade will be hard". We had a situation that has caused quite a stir in our home. After attending the same school for 7 years, never having detention before, this is what happened.
Evi has a teacher who is new to teaching. At the beginning of the school year, the teachers said that if a child gets a D or F, that the parent must sign and return the test. Also, it was mentioned that for 'Discipline" there would be 1) a verbal warning, 2) e-mail or note sent home, 3) phone call home, 4) meeting with the principal, 5) detention, 6) suspension.
Evi took a science test last week (that apparently she forgot to mention) so she flunked it, along with 16 of her fellow 24 classmates. I never saw the test, needed to sign it, or any of the above mentioned methods of "discipline". So last Friday when Evi gets in the car, she informs me that she has detention, and what she is most upset about, is now she no longer be a part of Select Choir or Safety Patrol. When I asked what had happened, she said she flunked a test, and that for the past 3 days she had been going into class during recess, to correct the answers. When she asked for help, the teacher was not helpful, and that the teacher said they needed to come in for recess to do the work (Evi didn't know she could bring it home, since she kept saying to come in for recess to do it). So when I got home on Friday, I called the school to talk to the teacher, to see what was going on. She had left for the day, so I asked the secretary who I could talk to about this. She passed me to the principal.
The principal said to come in Monday morning to meet with her and the teacher. When I got there, Evi's teacher could not find one positive thing to say about her. She said that it is not her responsibility to let me know of Evi's grades, and that if Evi paid more attention in class she just might "get it". I asked " what about the parent signature that is suppose to be on there, the teacher said that since that didn't work last time, that she didn't think it would work this time. After 1 1/2 hours of talking, the principal called Evi in, asked her to tell her about what happened. Evi explained it, then said the teacher made all the kids that flunked the test stand up in front of the rest of the class while she called parents. That is a low blow in my opinion.
That night the principal called me back, and said that the kids would not lose select choir or safety patrol from this, and that she felt that she needed to back the teacher, but could also see my point, she said that I could have Evi do the detention or not, it was up to me, and that she told the teacher that she needed to clear detentions with her before doing it. I told her how I felt that the teacher was very defensive during our meeting and she agreed. I told her it may be a good idea to give her some pointers before she has another parent meeting.
So Evi has served her detention, and now I am frustrated at the lack of communication that is going on. I still haven't seen the test she took Friday, or know that score. What is a mom to do?? Any advice?


Unknown said...

I am so sorry Marlita. In all my kid's school year we had about 3 teachers that were difficult and it was a long year each time. One of the things I learned real quick is to be real careful how you talk about the teacher in front of Evi. Try to stay as positive as possible. Do things to help her like you and Evi - help in the classroom, bake her cookies, etc.
But definitely keep communicating with her and the principal. I will pray for you, Evi and the teacher.
Aunt Peg

Tim Rovenstine said...

Go TP her house.

Beth said...

Wow! That is ridiculous!

Your Aunt Peg sounds like a wise and sweet woman . . . her advice is amazing as I would probably tell you to organize all the parents and get the teacher fired! So PLEASE, listen to your Aunt Peg and not me. It might also help to pull out all the verses about love not taking offense, a gentle word turns away wrath . . .

Being gracious is a good thing . . . it's just so much harder when it's our kids that are being wronged! I'll be praying for Evi, you and the teacher too!

Becca said...

I am FUMING with you!!! So maddening. Especially her not having anything nice to say about sweet Evi... our Mama Bears come out when we hear things like that. Praying for you.

little dalene said...

I'm with Uncle Tim. Anyone who thinks Evi deserves detention deserves to have something vandalized! :) I hope it gets better for you both!

Anonymous said...

Hi Marlita, I'm so glad to see you blogging again, altho I knew you were very busy lately. When I read your blog about the teacher my first thought was why did 16 kids fail the test? Isn't something obvious here; that maybe there isn't enough personal interest by the teacher to make sure she teaches this subject in a way that the students can understand and 'get it'. I think I would have questioned her teaching skills. She might have not 'gotten that' when she went to school. Hopefully experience will help her interact more positively with the parents and the kids next year. I agree with Aunt Peg, but like Opa Tim... still TP'd her house. LOL.
Love you, Aunt Sharon

Stacy said...

Wow. To the teacher, to the principal. I too wondered what the heck was wrong with the information that the teacher gave that 2/3 of her students failed. Did the principal address that with you or tell you that he addressed it with the teacher? Also what is being done about the failure to failure to follow her own discipline plan.I am surprised that the principal didn't have a problem with the teacher's statement that it wasn't her responsibility to let parents know about grades. EXCUSE me?? My husband and best friend are both teachers and they have several students on weekly grade reports. I would keep in touch with the principal about what he is doing to help this new teacher learn her craft. I could go on about this topic for awhile but I will just wish you well.