Saturday, January 30, 2010

Baby it's Cold Outside

For our family in Mexico, who thinks it would be fun to have snow. The kids are out playing in it right now, wonder how long it will be before they want to come in and warm up with a cup of cocoa. This makes me want to put up my Christmas tree all over again.


Unknown said...

Does Sebastian need his great aunt to buy him some mittens?

Great Aunt Peg

Linda said...

This looks like our neck of the woods! Love your posts. Keep them coming!

Marlita said...

Yes he does! Thanks Great Aunt Peg!
He actually snuck out while Juan was scraping the car off, and I guess daddy's aren't too concerned about mittens.

Tim Rovenstine said...

Pretty blustery know there is something you can do about this weather, the birds and the butterflies have it figured out.

Anonymous said...

This is normal weather for us. Our temp. this weekend was in the teens. would love some snow to go with it. Did you get a new car?

little dalene said...

Guess how much snow we got? ZERO inches! ;-)

Anonymous said...

hi ppl. I'm really into shoes and I have been searching for that particular brand. The prices seeking the boots were all over 350 dollars on every page. But finally I bring about this area selling them for half price. I really like those [url=]prada sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely buy these. what do you think?

Tim Rovenstine said...

Hey, it's spring, time to move on to the next page on your blog..I keep watching.

Anonymous said...

Miss your blogs, Marlita...but I know you're very busy with all the children. I'm thinking of you and love seeing photos of you and your family in Charissa's blog at times.
Love you
Aunt Sharon

Unknown said...

I'm ready for another POST