Thursday, May 29, 2008

Extreme Makeover

For those who saw Chairssa's blog about Elle whose doll was shattered and then fixed, you saw the sweet little girl to whom the doll belonged to. I told her I would try to "fix her" and take her down to Mexico next time we go. I got on ebay, and then on craigslist. There was a lady selling her collection of dolls (all 22 of them) and I asked if she would be willing to part with just one, and told her the story of Elle. I dropped the word "missionary parents" and " my brother with 4 kids", and " bless her heart", and before I knew it the lady was inviting me over to pick out a doll for Elle. I meant every word I said, and asked how much she would like for the doll, and she said, " Well, if they are missionaries, they are doing good, I won't charge you". I didn't want to correct her exactly, so I just thanked her and went on my way. So.. here is the new Elizabeth. Hope you like her Elle, I love you!


liesel said...

Now all she needs is a veil with a plastic rose and she'll never know the difference! Good work, Aunt Marlita!

Anonymous said...

Elle, riding across the plains of Mexico, towards Matehuala, told me the story about this doll, and she is
VERY confident, you'll do something good with this treasure. Opa

RoverHaus said...

Thanks Marlita. You win aunt of the year!!!!

WheresMyAngels said...

lol too funny on how you got her!

I'm still shocked that a child that young likes dolls like that. I have only known grown women to like them.